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Posts Tagged ‘Consciousness

Watch out of what you might lose

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I had an interesting meeting lately, where we spoke on the opportunity in conducting a Stress Management Workshop. To some points it got a bit philosophical as we also spoke on Social Competence, Work-Life Balance etc. George, the companies CEO and meeting partner, came up with an interesting topic on how it feels to loose something. Read here Georges view:


If you lose your Money – you lose nothing

If you lose your Health – you lose something (sometimes big)

If you lose your Character – you lose everything!


Point is – most of the time we can recover from Financial loses, we sometimes can recover from bad Health (even we have being negligent in the past). But we will never recover from the lose of our Character. Once people have a certain view of you, it’s almost impossible to change or fix that.


I know in a matter of fact, that there are people out there on this planet who dedicate all their time and energy to convey to the world how bad the character of others are. That works – but only short term! On the long, such peoples character are exposed. From that moment onward they have lost everything. On the other side, if you have a good Character from inside out, that can’t be shattered – that works too!

Life can be a bit tough but it’s fair-minded.

Written by Eddie (@50minCoach)

1. November 2012 at 4:23 pm

Three things you can’t buy

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Written by Eddie (@50minCoach)

23. October 2012 at 9:55 am

A wrong turn can lead you to the right place

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Recently, while speaking with a good friend who is in the traveling business, he recalled one of his motorbike journey through parts of India. He explained how a wrong turn in the middle of the night brought him to the nicest place on earth (right for that time).

“I was heading to a small village where I decided to stay over night before riding home. It’s not that I knew the place. But after two hours I noticed I must have taken a wrong turn and ended in a total different place. In fact I had no idea where I landed. I checked with locals to find a place to sleep. The hostel was really cheap. The next morning – and with day light – I was confronted with reality. When opening the window of my room I had the most beautiful view toward the lake. Behind was pure nature and the Sun was just about to rise. The silence was in total harmony with nature and my rested mood. Only days later I noticed, would I have reached the planed destination I would not even have found a room to stay – it was a total deserted and filly place.” Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Eddie (@50minCoach)

17. October 2012 at 8:01 am


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